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Http Web Server - big response packet issue C#

I have been making a HTTP web server for mainly a application generated uptime monitor but wanted to expand it so its more general use. A problem I am having with it is when a client requests for an image (for example) that is 1MB+ I don't know how to split the image data up to fit inside the MTU size of packets.

Below is the code I am using to send the data. (StreamWriter AutoFlush is enabled)

        private void sendResponse(Stream stream, string fileLocation, bool useGzip, string contentType, string ResponseLine, bool CloseConnection, string server)
        writer.Write(ResponseLine + "/r/n");
        writer.Write("Server: " + server + "/r/n");
        if (CloseConnection == true)
            writer.Write("Connection: close" + "/r/n");
            writer.Write("Connection: keep-alive" + "/r/n");

        //if (useGzip == true)
        //    writer.WriteLine("Content-Encoding: gzip")
        writer.Write("Content-Type: " + contentType + "/r/n");
        writer.Write("Content-Length: " + stream.Length + "/r/n");
        writer.Write("Accept-Ranging: bytes" + "/r/n");
        writer.Write("" + "/r/n");

        byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length];
        stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

Also, in Wireshark the capture shows 500+ packets of max size with continuation or tcp segment, does HTTP have a way of splitting up big responses into multiple packets without tcp segmentation?

Solved - Using sockets instead of the TcpClient class worked a treat and removing the stream overlays (BinaryReader/BinaryWriter)

You should not care. Because the TCP socket will do that automatically. TCP streams are not limited by MTO and there is NO reason to not use the sockets.

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