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c++ fast screenshots in linux for use with opencv

I'm trying to find a fast way to take screenshots (as in 30 fps or over) for use with opencv in c++

All the information I've found online either involved windows.h or were too slow.

Could someone provide me with some code that achieves this or at least point me in the right direction so I can solve this my self?

You can use this to get the screenshot into a structure of raw pixels. Pass that to OpenCV along with the Width & Height & BitsPerPixel and you should be good.

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

void ImageFromDisplay(std::vector<uint8_t>& Pixels, int& Width, int& Height, int& BitsPerPixel)
    Display* display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
    Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);

    XWindowAttributes attributes = {0};
    XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &attributes);

    Width = attributes.width;
    Height = attributes.height;

    XImage* img = XGetImage(display, root, 0, 0 , Width, Height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
    BitsPerPixel = img->bits_per_pixel;
    Pixels.resize(Width * Height * 4);

    memcpy(&Pixels[0], img->data, Pixels.size());


Then to use it with OpenCV , you can do:

int main()
    int Width = 0;
    int Height = 0;
    int Bpp = 0;
    std::vector<std::uint8_t> Pixels;

    ImageFromDisplay(Pixels, Width, Height, Bpp);

    if (Width && Height)
        Mat img = Mat(Height, Width, Bpp > 24 ? CV_8UC4 : CV_8UC3, &Pixels[0]); //Mat(Size(Height, Width), Bpp > 24 ? CV_8UC4 : CV_8UC3, &Pixels[0]); 

        namedWindow("WindowTitle", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow("Display window", img);

    return 0;

Based on @abc's answer I came up with the following, using MIT's shared memory extension for X.

@abc's example runs at 120-180 fps and uses ~40% of a Titan X (Maxwell). The following runs at 15000 fps and uses 80% of a Titan X. (Assuming you don't sync . If you do sync, then the framerate drops to @abc's framerate!)

Comment out the break; statement inside the inner loop too run it nonstop.

Version using @abc's class:

// g++ screena.cpp -o screena -lX11 -lXext -Ofast -mfpmath=both -march=native -m64 -funroll-loops -mavx2 `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs` && ./screena

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>

#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>  // This includes most headers!

#include <time.h>
#define FPS(start) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (clock()-start))

struct ScreenShot{
    ScreenShot(uint x, uint y, uint width, uint height):
               x(x), y(y), width(width), height(height){

        display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
        root = DefaultRootWindow(display);

        XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes);
        screen = window_attributes.screen;
        ximg = XShmCreateImage(display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(screen), DefaultDepthOfScreen(screen), ZPixmap, NULL, &shminfo, width, height);

        shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, ximg->bytes_per_line * ximg->height, IPC_CREAT|0777);
        shminfo.shmaddr = ximg->data = (char*)shmat(shminfo.shmid, 0, 0);
        shminfo.readOnly = False;
        if(shminfo.shmid < 0)
            puts("Fatal shminfo error!");;
        Status s1 = XShmAttach(display, &shminfo);
        printf("XShmAttach() %s\n", s1 ? "success!" : "failure!");

        init = true;

    void operator() (cv::Mat& cv_img){
            init = false;

        XShmGetImage(display, root, ximg, 0, 0, 0x00ffffff);
        cv_img = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_8UC4, ximg->data);


        XShmDetach(display, &shminfo);

    Display* display;
    Window root;
    XWindowAttributes window_attributes;
    Screen* screen;
    XImage* ximg;
    XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;

    int x, y, width, height;

    bool init;

int main(){
    ScreenShot screen(0, 0, 1920, 1080);
    cv::Mat img;

    for(uint i;; ++i){
        double start = clock();


        if(!(i & 0b111111))
            printf("fps %4.f  spf %.4f\n", FPS(start), 1 / FPS(start));


    cv::imshow("img", img);

"Naked" version:

// g++ xshm2.c -o xshm2 -lX11 -lXext `$cv`-Ofast -mfpmath=both -march=native -m64 -funroll-loops -mavx2 && ./xshm2

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>

#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>  // This includes most headers!

#include <time.h>
#define FPS(start) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (clock()-start))

// Using one monitor DOESN'T improve performance! Querying a smaller subset of the screen DOES
const uint WIDTH  = 1920>>0;
const uint HEIGHT = 1080>>0;

// -------------------------------------------------------
int main(){
    Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);  // Macro to return the root window! It's a simple uint32
    XWindowAttributes window_attributes;
    XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes);
    Screen* screen = window_attributes.screen;
    XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;
    XImage* ximg = XShmCreateImage(display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(screen), DefaultDepthOfScreen(screen), ZPixmap, NULL, &shminfo, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, ximg->bytes_per_line * ximg->height, IPC_CREAT|0777);
    shminfo.shmaddr = ximg->data = (char*)shmat(shminfo.shmid, 0, 0);
    shminfo.readOnly = False;
    if(shminfo.shmid < 0)
        puts("Fatal shminfo error!");;
    Status s1 = XShmAttach(display, &shminfo);
    printf("XShmAttach() %s\n", s1 ? "success!" : "failure!");

    cv::Mat img;

    for(int i; ; i++){
        double start = clock();

        XShmGetImage(display, root, ximg, 0, 0, 0x00ffffff);
        img = cv::Mat(HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_8UC4, ximg->data);

        if(!(i & 0b111111))
            printf("fps %4.f  spf %.4f\n", FPS(start), 1 / FPS(start));

    cv::imshow("img", img);

    XShmDetach(display, &shminfo);
    puts("Exit success!");

I made a faster functor based screenshot code using Brandon's answer:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>

class ScreenShot
    Display* display;
    Window root;
    int x,y,width,height;
    XImage* img{nullptr};
    ScreenShot(int x, int y, int width, int height):
        display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
        root = DefaultRootWindow(display);

    void operator() (cv::Mat& cvImg)
        if(img != nullptr)
        img = XGetImage(display, root, x, y, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
        cvImg = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_8UC4, img->data);

        if(img != nullptr)

And here is how you would use it in a loop (exit by pressing q ):

int main()
    ScreenShot screen(0,0,1920,1080);
    cv::Mat img;


        cv::imshow("img", img);
        char k = cv::waitKey(1);
        if (k == 'q')

This is about 39% faster on my machine.

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

using namespace cv;

struct ScreenShot
    ScreenShot(int x, int y, int width, int height):
        display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
        root = DefaultRootWindow(display);

        init = true;

    void operator() (Mat& cvImg)
        if(init == true)
            init = false;

        img = XGetImage(display, root, x, y, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);

        cvImg = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC4, img->data);

        if(init == false)


    Display* display;
    Window root;
    int x,y,width,height;
    XImage* img;

    bool init;

int main(int, char**)
        ScreenShot screen(0,0,1366,768);

        Mat img;

        imshow("img", img);
        if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
    return 0;

I used the following code, based in the answer posted by @abc.

In addition, I was using Visual Studio Code and g++ to compile:

g ++ -std=c++0x main.cpp -lX11 'pkg-config --cflags opencv' 'pkg-config --libs opencv' -o main

The path for Xlib.h and Xutil.h (ubuntu 14.04): /usr/include/X11

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