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Is there a way to get a List of all stored procedure names in C# using Entity Framework?

I know that I can run from an opened database connection:


Is there a way to do the equivalent with EF 6.1?

You can run raw sql statements directly from the Database Context object.

SomeDatabaseEntities db = new ...();

var items = db.Database.SqlQuery<Something>("SELECT * FROM SYS.PROCEDURES")

You will need to make a class called Something that will map the results. Should be as easy as having the property names match up.

From the documentation of the method:

The type can be any type that has properties that match the names of the columns returned from the query, or can be a simple primitive type.

Looks like you can just manually map that table using code-first and treat it like any other entity:

[Table("procedures", Schema = "sys")]
public class Procedure
    [Column(Order = 0)]
    public string name { get; set; }

    [Column(Order = 1)]
    public int object_id { get; set; }

public partial class Model1 : DbContext
    public Model1()
        : base("name=Model1")

    public virtual DbSet<Procedure> Procedures { get; set; }

using (var context = new Model1())
    foreach (var p in context.Procedures)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", p.object_id, p.name);

Since you're using DB-first, you can wrap a regular view around the system one, then map an entity to it:

create view dbo.procs
select * from sys.procedures;

Here you've got a traditional view living in dbo, so EF shouldn't have any trouble with it.

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