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php - Changing Table Background Colour With Value Stored in DB Table Field?

UPDATE. Table id styling :

#card {


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<p class="header"><a href="index.php">Trading Card Generator</a></p>

<p class="disclaimer">DC vs Marvel&nbsp;<br />
Card Back Face<br />
This is a non profit website.</p>

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<table id="card">
<td style="background-color:#211e1e"></td>
<td><p class="tcg">Trading Card Generator</p></td>
<td class="tcgnamecell">DC vs Marvel<br/> Heroes &amp; Villains</td>
<td class="tcgimagecell"><img class="imgsize" alt="" src="uploads/Darkseid.png" /></td>
<td><p class="author">Created by M B Mehdi</p></td>

<div class="nextcard"></div>
<div class="currentcard">Card 1 of 1</div><br><br>
<div class="currentcard"><a id="carddownload" href="#card" class="downloadbtn">Download</a></div>

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function showimage(){
html2canvas([document.getElementById('card')], {
onrendered: function(canvas)
var img = canvas.toDataURL()
$.post("save.php", {data: img}, function (file) {
window.location.href ="downloadbusinesscard.php?path="+ file}); 

I have a form that allows users to create a design for the back of a card. Users enter the title, their name, background colour and upload a small image. This is then displayed back inside a table and looks like a large playing card with a small image in the middle and the text above and below.

I use a fetch array to loop through the results and store them as arrays :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tcgbackface JOIN tcgbackfaceimages ON tcgbackface.id = tcgbackfaceimages.id WHERE tcgbackface.username='$user' ORDER BY tcgbackface.id")
or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$theme[]= $row['theme'];
$subheading[]= $row['subheading'];
$author[]= $row['author'];
$bgcolour[]= $row['bgcolour'];
$img_paths[] = $row['path'];

Then display them back to the user inside a table but when I echo the background colour it doesn't display and the background colour that is set by default in css remains :

<table id="card">
<td style="background:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>">
<td><p class="tcg">Trading Card Generator</p></td>
<td class="tcgnamecell"><?php echo $theme[$i]."<br/> ".$subheading[$i];?></td>
<td class="tcgimagecell"><?php echo '<img class="imgsize" alt="" src="'.$img_paths[$i].'" />'; ?></td>
<td><p class="author">Created by <?php echo $author[$i];?></p></td>

http://thetradingcardgenerator.com/images/Predators_Back.png![显示背景颜色?] [1]


style="background-color:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>"


I think your $bgcolour[$i] might be empty or is not a valid Hex value for a color.


Try adding a fixe height to your <td> element just to see if its height is equal to 0. because it seems empty.

style="height:50px;background-color:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>;"

I believe the issue is that your CSS sheet is trumping your Style="" code. To be sure, add the following:

style="background:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?> !important"

Assuming your code you've shown here is your actual code, it's invalid.

<td style="background:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>">

has no closing


It should be

 <td style="background:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>"></td>

It's not an issue with needing to use !important, because inline styles will always trump a stylesheet. You won't need to use background-color because CSS is smart enough to know.

Are you storing #FFFFFF in the database or just FFFFFF? If you aren't storing the # in the database then you'll need to have that in your output.

Thank you to everyone for their help. I should have listed the table id style and explained I was using that for styling instead of the td element.

<table id="card" style="background-color:<?php echo $bgcolour[$i]; ?>">

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