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how to get windows command line string?

I made a simple executable ( string.exe ) from the following code. You can not change this file.

$| = 1;
foreach my $i (1..10) {
    print "test : $i\r";
    sleep 2;

I want grab the output from that program in real-time. I attempted to do so with the following code:

open(my $fh, '-|', 'string.exe') or die $!;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
    print $line;

But I can not get the output in real-time. In my opinion, this is due to the use of carriage return ( \\r ).

readline ( <> ) reads until a line feed is encountered, but you send carriage returns instead. readline is somewhat configurable (via $/ ), but not to the point where you can instruct it to read until a CR or LF is returned.

sysread , otoh, returns as soon as data is available. This is exactly what you want.

$| = 1;
while (sysread($fh, my $buf, 64*1024)) {
    print $buf;

You can set your $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR to \\r :

local $/ = "\r";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {

how to get windows command line string?

If I understand your question, you could use something like

local $cmd = join " ", $0, @ARGV;
print $cmd;

Testing choroba 's answer about the $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR :

use strict;
use warnings;

# As described in http://perldoc.perl.org/perlipc.html#Safe-Pipe-Opens
my $pid = open(KID_TO_READ, "-|") // die "can't fork: $!";

# Parent
if ($pid) {
    local $/ = "\r";
    while (<KID_TO_READ>) {
        use Data::Dump;
        dd $_;
    close(KID_TO_READ) or warn "kid exited $?";

# Child
} else {
    local $| = 1;
    foreach my $i (1..10) {
        print "test : $i\r";
        sleep 2;


"test : 1\r"
"test : 2\r"
"test : 3\r"
"test : 4\r"
"test : 5\r"
"test : 6\r"
"test : 7\r"
"test : 8\r"
"test : 9\r"
"test : 10\r"

Ironically, this test won't work on Windows:

'-' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
kid exited 256 at test_RS.pl line 14.

However, this still confirms that the $RS will work as documented.

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