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Create a dynamic array within a class (C++)

I'd like to implement a class with an array. If the size of the array is being breached, I would call a resize() function. However I can't seem to code a dynamic array as a data member. Can someone guide me on how to work around this?

This is what I got so far:

class ArrayList
                array[ARR_SIZE] = {0};
                space = 0;
                size = ARR_SIZE;
        void insert(int place, int value)
                if (place >= size)
                        cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << endl;
                        array[place] = value;

                if(space == size)
        void remove(int place)
                if(place >= size)
                        cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << endl;
                        array[place] = NULL;

        void allocate()
                int* array = new int[size*2];
                size = size*2;
        int usedSize()
                return space;
        int totalSize()
                return size;
        int array[ARR_SIZE];
        int space;
        int size;

Use std::vector . C++ doesn't support variable-length or dynamically-sized arrays, in classes or otherwise.

Use a std::vector and let it manage everything for you:

#include <vector>

class ArrayList

    void insert(int place, int value)
        if ((place < 0) || (place > array.size()))
            std::cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << std::endl;
            array.insert(array.begin()+place, value);

    void remove(int place)
        if ((place < 0) || (place >= array.size()))
            std::cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << std::endl;

    int usedSize()
        return array.size();

    int totalSize()
        return array.capacity();

    std::vector<int> array;

If you really want to manage the array memory yourself, you are doing it all wrong. Try this instead:

class ArrayList
        array = new int[ARR_SIZE];
        space = 0;
        size = ARR_SIZE;

    ArrayList(const ArrayList &src)
        array = new int[src.size];
        space = src.space;
        size = src.size;

        for(int i = 0; i < space; ++i)
            array[i] = src.array[i]; 

        delete[] array;

    void insert(int place, int value)
        if ((place < 0) || (place > space))
            std::cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << std::endl;
            if (space == size)

            for(int i = space-1; i > place; --i)
                array[i] = array[i-1];

            array[place] = value;

    void remove(int place)
        if ((place < 0) || (place >= space))
            std::cout << "Sorry, that index is not accessible" << std::endl;
            for(int i = place+1; i < space; ++i)
                array[i-1] = array[i];


    void allocate()
        int* newarray = new int[size*2];

        for (int i = 0; i < space; ++i)
            newarray[i] = array[i];

        delete[] array;
        array = newarray;

        size *= 2;

    int usedSize()
        return space;

    int totalSize()
        return size;

    ArrayList& operator=(const ArrayList &src)
        int *newarray = new int[src.size];

        for(int i = 0; i < src.space; ++i)
            newarray[i] = src.array[i]; 

        delete[] array;
        array = newarray;
        space = src.space;
        size = src.size;

        return *this;

    int *array;
    int space;
    int size;

I don't have reputation to leave you a comment yet, but have you tried C++'s std::vector ? It does exactly what you're looking for:


It sounds like you should be using malloc and realloc . This should work the same as Remy's answer using new and delete.

Declare your buffer as an int* and keep track of the size with a variable that you increment. If your size exceeds the amount of space in your dynamic array, reallocate.

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