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How to specify Constraints in XSD (XML Schema Definition)?


I want to modell the following in XSD (XML Schema definition).

I have the following relationship between three classes:


Textuell description:

  • Each Widget references 0 or more Actions
  • Each Trigger references one Widget and one Action
  • Widgets may be referenced by 0 or more Triggers
  • Actions may be referenced by 0 ore more Widgets and 0 or more Triggers
  • The Action referenced by a Trigger must also be referenced by "the Triggers Widget " (and thats the problem)

In my XSD each class is modelled as a complexType .


Is it possible to to model the constraint (orange note, last point) in XSD ? If yes, how? In UML I'd use a Composite Structure Diagram or OCL .

I believe this is referred to as a co-constraint: you want to put a rule into Trigger 's definition that impacts the content of two other things at the same time: something in Widget must contain something from Action .

You can't do that with XSD, but you can do it with Schematron . Schematron will let you write a rule with an XPath expression that checks a contains relationship . That Xpath expression would then be your rule that you'd check against.

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