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Commit() in psycopg2 seems to be not executed

And so I have this Python file ( dosql.py ):

import sys
import psycopg2

class doSql(object):
    _cxn = ""
    _cur = ""
    errmsg ="" 
    def __init__(self): #constructor
        self._cxn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='postgres' user='postgres' password='4scoreand7yearsago' host='' port='5432'")
        self._cur = self._cxn.cursor()

    def __del__(self): #destructor

    def execqry(self, sql, apply_):
        rows = []
            rows = self._cur.fetchall()
        if apply_:
            if self._cur.rowcount == 0:
            #errmsg = sys.exc_type + ":" + sys.exc_value 
            errmsg =  str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        return rows    

In pgAdmin through the Query Tool, I already have a table with the predefined data in the database ' postgres '.

     id int primary key,
     col1 text,
     col2 text

INSERT INTO misc VALUES (1, 'yes', 'i', 'entered');

To which in the cmd, I try to execute inside the Python interpreter (with respect to the directory of the file):

>>> execfile('dosql.py')
>>> a = doSql()
>>> i = a.execqry("SELECT * FROM misc", False)
>>> print i
[(1, 'yes', 'i', 'entered')]
>>> f = a.execqry("INSERT INTO misc VALUES (2, 'please', 'just', 'enter')", True)[0][0]
>>> print f
no results to fetch
>>> g = a.execqry("SELECT * FROM misc", False)
>>> print g
[(1, 'yes', 'i', 'entered'), (2, 'please', 'just', 'enter')]

But when I go check pgAdmin and browse the table, it doesn't update to 2 rows , still only has 1, (the [1, 'yes', 'i', 'entered'] data).

Does this mean that the self._cxn.commit() didn't work? Also when I try to redo the whole process again and then initialize the destructor through del a , still to no avail, no updated table.

Any help please?

The code pass False for apply_ parameter; which result no commit call.

a.execqry("INSERT INTO ......", False)

Try the code with True argument.

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