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Regex match these words, but exclude matches with these

I'm looking for a regex expression to run through several strings and match these words in them:

Maces Armour Evasion Shields

Excluding strings which contain these words alongside:

Swords Axes Staves

For example (these 2 lines are one string):

12% Increased Physical Damage with Maces
8% Increased Armour

should be a match, but this one should not be (these 2 lines are also one string but it contains forbidden word "swords" with needed word "evasion"):

10% Increased Evasion
8% Increased Attack Speed with Swords

How do I exclude that list?



You can use a singleline regex:

  • (?=.*(?>Maces|Armour|Evasion|Shields)) Asserts that one of these words are present in string [no backtracking]
  • (?!.*(?>Swords|Axes|Staves)) Asserts that none of these words are present in string [no backtracking]

Here is a regex demo !

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