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how to Show progress Bar In Display While Executing Method in c#

In my application i want to Show Progress Bar In Display While User click On Specific Button,

I implemented Below Code

 private bool  ImportData()
        bool result = false;
        //Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(frmWaitShow));
            Thread backgroundThread = new Thread(
            new ThreadStart(() =>

                for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                    progressBar1.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => progressBar1.Value = n));

            // Progress Bar Should Start From here
            intdevid = int.Parse(cmbDeviceName.SelectedValue.ToString());
            FetchDevicedata(intdevid);  // Fetch Remove Device Info from SQL database
            GetFTPFile(strDeviceIP, strDeviceUsername, strDevicePwd, strDevicePath + "//RunningBatch//RunningBatch.db", "RunningBatch.db"); // Copy RunningBatch.db to Debug Folder from Remote 
            LoadRunningData(); // Get Running Data in dataset from running.db
            DecodeBatchData_R(); // save in batch master and row data table
            GetFTPFile(strDeviceIP, strDeviceUsername, strDevicePwd, strDevicePath + "//CompletedBatch//CompletedBatch.db", "CompletedBatch.db");
            result = true;
            // Progress Bar Should Stop  here
        catch (Exception ex)
            clsLogs.LogError("Error: " + ex.Message + this.Name + " || ImportData");
            result = false;  
        return result; 

But its not Showing Properly.. its takes to much time To start this Progress bar,, its Start Before Just End Of my these function and close Within 2 secound

You can use BackgroundWorker , it has support for progress indication.


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