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python re.sub : replace substring with string

In python,

with re.sub , how I can replace a substring with a new string ?


number = "20"
s = "hello number 10, Agosto 19"


s = "hello number 20, Agosto 19"

I try

re.sub(r'number ([0-9]*)', number, s)


the number 10 is a example, the number in the string can be any number.

You mean this?

>>> import re
>>> m = re.sub(r'10', r'20', "hello number 10, Agosto 19")
>>> m
'hello number 20, Agosto 19'


Using lookbehind,

>>> number = "20"
>>> number
>>> m = re.sub(r'(?<=number )\d+', number, "hello number 10, Agosto 19")
>>> m
'hello number 20, Agosto 19'

Do not use regex for such simple cases. Normal string manipulation is enough (and fast):

s = "hello number 10, Agosto 19"
s = s.replace('10', '20')

If you don't know the number but know it is followed by a ,

import re
re.sub("\d+(?=,)","20",s) # one or more digits followed by a ,
hello number 20, Agosto 19

import re
re.sub("(\d+)","20",s,1) # first occurrence
hello number 20, Agosto 19

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