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How to pass a member function which has variable arguments as template argument?

I want to write an adapter which can convert non static member functions to C-style function pointers. Here is what I got now(see the following code snippet), but the current solution is not general. I want to make int (T::*Func)(int) accept variable arguments.

Also it's necessary to make CObjectT::f and StoreVals::display have the same signature.

The final goal is Interfacing C++ member functions with C libraries.

class StoreVals
    int val;
    int display(int k) { cout << k << endl; return 0; }

template<class T, int (T::*Func)(int)>
class CObjectT
     * The signagure of 'f(...)' should change by the argument of template.
     * They must be the same, but i don't know how to achieve this goal.
    static int f(int i)
        T obj;
        return (obj.*Func)(i);

void main()
    CObjectT<StoreVals, &StoreVals::display>::f(7);
    auto function_t = &CObjectT<StoreVals, &StoreVals::display>::f;

    // Now it's a C-style function pointer
    cout << typeid(function_t).name() << endl;

I don't think it is possible to dynamically change the name of a function based on a template parameter, but you can change the arguments/return type based on the template parameter. It does require some extra type information in the template declaration but it does allow what you want.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

template< typename T, T t >
class Delegate;

template< typename R, typename C, typename... Args, R ( C::*F ) ( Args... )>
class Delegate< R ( C::*)( Args... ), F > {
    template< typename... Ts >
    static R invoke( Ts&&... args ) {
        C t;
        return ( t.*F )( std::forward< Ts >( args )... );


template< typename R, typename... Args, R ( *F ) ( Args... ) >
class Delegate< R ( * ) ( Args... ), F > {
    template< typename... Ts >
    static R invoke( Ts&&... args ) {
        return F( std::forward< Ts >( args )... );

void print( int v ) {
    std::cout << "Static: " << v << std::endl;

class Class {

    void print( int v ) {
        std::cout << "Class: " << v << std::endl;


int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
    Delegate< void ( * )( int ), &print >::invoke( 1 );
    Delegate< void ( Class::* ) ( int ), &Class::print >::invoke( 1 );

    return 0;


Static: 1
Class: 1

This does use C++11's variadic templates and Rvalue References for perfect forwarding. That is why you see the weird std::forward< Args >( args )... in the function calls.

This doesn't work with variadic parameter functions such as printf and the like. It might be possible but would require a lot more template black magic that I don't have time to write and test.

If you want to interface with C, you cannot use templates and you cannot use member functions (even static). The only way is a honest hand-written extern "C" function. Templates or member functions cannot have C linkage.

If you want to sacrifice portability for convenience you can do something like this:

#define TYPE_AND_VALUE(x) decltype(x),x

#define MemFuncTypeAdapter(x) MemFuncTypeAdapterStruct<TYPE_AND_VALUE(x)>

extern "C" 
    int (*cfunc)(struct A*, int);

template <typename MemFuncType> struct MemFuncTypes;
template <typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args> 
struct MemFuncTypes<Ret (Class::*)(Args...)>
    using RetType = Ret;
    using ClassType = Class;

template <typename MemFuncType, MemFuncType memFunc>
struct MemFuncTypeAdapterStruct
    using RetType = typename MemFuncTypes<MemFuncType>::RetType;
    using ClassType = typename MemFuncTypes<MemFuncType>::ClassType;

    template <typename... Args>
    static RetType func (ClassType* c, Args... args) 
        return (c->*memFunc)(args...);

struct A
    A() : a(33) {};
    int a;
    int plus (int b) { return a + b; }

int main ()
    MemFuncTypeAdapter(&A::plus) aplus;
    A a;
    aplus.func(&a, 22);

    cfunc = &MemFuncTypeAdapter(&A::plus)::func; //<- C interface here



  1. The adapter has an additional Class* argument. See comments for an explanation of this.
  2. Don't bother with perfect forwarding. You are passing C compatible types in there anyway. Which means scalars and pointers only.
  3. The ugly macro is necessary to avoid repeating typename(x), x every time. Hopefully a future C++ standard will deal with it.
  4. Parts of this can probably be found in the standard library, pointers are welcome.


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