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adding a new column and rows to a table access

I have a table in Access like the following:

| 00803110 | 00803110 | 002       |
| 00803110 | 00803110 | PRI       |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | 002       |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | 003       |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | PRI       |

I want to add a column call Days and in that column for each AGP ID, Then I want to have M, T, W, TH, F, Sat, Sun for each AGP ID. The new table will look like:

|  AGP_ID  | PRAD_ID  | PRAD_TYPE | Day |
| 00803110 | 00803110 | 002       | M   |
| 00803110 | 00803110 | PRI       | T   |
| 00803110 |          |           | W   |
| 00803110 |          |           | TH  |
| 00803110 |          |           | F   |
| 00803110 |          |           | Sat |
| 00803110 |          |           | Sun |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | 002       | M   |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | 003       | T   |
| 00803153 | 00803153 | PRI       | W   |
| 00803153 |          |           | TH  |
| 00803153 |          |           | F   |
| 00803153 |          |           | Sat |
| 00803153 |          |           | Sun |

Any help will be appreciated. I've been pulling my hair over this but it seems so simple compare to the other things I have done.


Not sure if its good idea to loop through each records. you asked for it.. give it a try ;)

throw this code under button click oder a sub.

Open the table in design mode and insert new column Day as text (2 char) modify the select/update sql command.

    Dim myDB As DAO.Database
    Dim myRs As DAO.Recordset

    Set myDB = CurrentDb

    Dim SQL_GET As String

    Set myRs = myDB.OpenRecordset(SQL_GET)

    Dim mRc As Long
    mRc = Nz(myRs.RecordCount, 0)
    If Not mRc = 0 Then
        Dim dArr(6) As String
        dArr(0) = "MO"
        dArr(1) = "TU"
        dArr(2) = "WE"
        dArr(3) = "TH"
        dArr(4) = "FR"
        dArr(5) = "SA"
        dArr(6) = "SU"

        Dim SQL_SET As String
        Dim I As Integer
        I = 0
        While Not myRs.EOF
            SQL_SET = "UPDATE Your_table SET Day='" & dArr(I) & "' WHERE (ID = " & Nz(myRs("id"), "") & ")"
            On Error GoTo ERROR_SQL1:
                myDB.Execute SQL_SET, dbFailOnError

            If I < 6 Then I = I + 1 Else I = 0
        msgbox "No records found.. :("    
    End If

    On Error Resume Next
    Set myDB = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error while executing sql_1. " & vbNewLine & "System msg: " & Err.description

PS: you can remove the beginTrans/commitTrans you don't really need that. i put it for demonstration. also i haven't tested this code but should work..

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