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How to generate url slug from chinese characters?

Normally for generating url slug I use https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js library - and exactly slugify method. However it removes all chinese characters. As a workaround I use following function:

var slugify = function(str){
   str = str.replace(/\s+/g,'-') // replace spaces with dashes
   str = encodeURIComponent(str) // encode (it encodes chinese characters)
   return str

So for input中文 标题I get %E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87-%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98 and it looks like this in web browser url input box (and it works):


However I want to also remove any special characters like !@#$%^&*) etc. The problem is that string.js library is using following piece of code internally:


And it removes any special characters, BUT ALSO removes chinese characters as they don't match with \\w regexp...

So my question is - how to modify above regexp so make it keep chinese characters?

I tried


But it still replaces chinese characters...

If you want to match (or exclude) the dash - character in a set of characters (with square brackets), you have to put it in the end.

Your regexp matches characters that are not

  • in the range az
  • in the range AZ
  • in the range 0-9
  • _
  • in the range \\s-\㐀 that's your problem
  • -
  • \龿

You want to do:


do a positive match list:


Anyway I would consider to take URL meta chars out of that:


You can try uslug , which slugify汉语/漢語to汉语漢語

If you want to transform Chinese characters to Pinyin, try transliteration

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