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Unable to decode a json string to a python object using jsonpickle

My class structure is as follows -

class HelloWorld (object):
    def __init__(self, name, i, id):
        self.name = name
        self.i = i
        self.id = id

The I'm creating an object

p = HelloWorld('pj', 3456, '1234')

and passing this object to a definition, where I use jsonpickle.encode and jsonpickle.decode as follows

    <class 'HelloWorld'>
 >>>x = jsonpickle.encode(p)        
    {"i": 3456, "name": "pj", "py/object": "__builtin__.HelloWorld", "id": "1234"}
 >>>y = jsonpickle.decode(x)
    <class 'dict'>

I don't understand why I'm not able to decode it back to the original object, even though the distinguishing py/object is also present.

Can anyone please suggest what am I doing wrong?

Adding the code which generate's the dynamic class for above mentioned use case.

def _create_pojo(self, pojo_class_name, param_schema):

    #extracting the properties from the parameter 'schema'        
    pojo_properties = param_schema['properties']

    #creating a list of property keys
    pojo_property_list = []
    for key in pojo_properties:

    source = \
        "class %s (object):\n" % ( pojo_class_name )       
    source += "    def __init__(self, %s" % ', '.join(pojo_property_list) +"):\n" #defining __init__ for the class
    for prop in pojo_property_list: #creating a variable in the __init__ method for each property in the property list
        source += "        self.%s = %s\n" % (prop, prop)

    #generating the class code
    class_code = compile( source, "<generated class>", "exec" )
    fakeglobals = {}
    eval( class_code, {"object" : object}, fakeglobals )
    result = fakeglobals[ pojo_class_name ]        
    result ._source = source

    self._object_types[ pojo_class_name ] = result
    return result

The main problem here is, the class is not available while decoding, hence unable to decode it as an python object.

According to the JsonPickle documentation( http://jsonpickle.github.io/#module-jsonpickle ), the object must be accessible globally via a module and must inherit from object (AKA new-style classes).

Hence followed following recipe, http://code.activestate.com/recipes/82234-importing-a-dynamically-generated-module/ . Using this you can generate dynamic module and load the classes dynamically. In this way while decoding the class will be accessible, and hence you can decode it back to python object.

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