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MySQL: Select multiple records with comma separated values

I have three tables: store_products , store_orders and store_orders_products . store_products contains all of the products, store_orders contains the order information, and store_orders_products contains each individual product in that order.

I'm building an Orders page that will list each order placed. It will have the username of the person who placed the order, the date, the total amount and the name of each product.

This query gets me everything I want, except it returns only ONE product name. I want to have each product in a comma separated string. I've tried subqueries, COALESCE , CONCAT , IN() , etc, but I'm not getting the results I want.

    o.id AS order_id
    , o.order_total
    , o.created_at
    , u.username
    , u.avatar
    , sp.name 
FROM store_orders o 
JOIN store_orders_contents c ON o.id=c.oid 
JOIN store_products p ON p.id=c.pid
JOIN users u ON u.id=o.consumer_uid
JOIN store_products sp ON sp.id=c.pid
WHERE p.uid=3
GROUP BY order_id

I think you want group_concat() :

SELECT o.id AS order_id, o.order_total, o.created_at, u.username, u.avatar,
       group_concat(sp.name )
FROM store_orders o JOIN
     store_orders_contents c
     ON o.id = c.oid JOIN
     store_products p
     ON p.id = c.pid JOIN
     users u
     ON u.id = o.consumer_uid JOIN
     store_products sp
     ON sp.id = c.pid
WHERE p.uid = 3
GROUP BY order_id;

I don't understand why you are joining to store_products twice, but I assume you know what you are doing with the joins.

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