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Stored Procedure called via Excel data connection fails

I have table in a Excel 2007 workbook. The table has an external SQL data connection to a stored procedure. Inside the stored procedure I'd like to clear and populate an intermediate table before querying data from it.

The stored procedure works if I don't have the INSERT statement in it (I insert the data outside Excel), but as soon I try to insert into my temporary table in the stored procedure, I get an error "The query did not run or the database could not be opened" .

What's interesting too is that despite the error, the insert inside the stored procedure still gets executed - the data is there after the error. Anybody knows how I can do the insert without triggering the error?

I did some more digging and I came across this article that contained the answer: Running Advanced SQL Stored Procedures from Excel

Basically before my insert I have to put SET NOCOUNT ON and after the insert, I add SET NOCOUNT OFF.

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