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JOOQ - convert result into Pojo

I have seen that JOOQ can automatically return a POJO when we use .selectFrom(TABLE) or .fetchInto(POJO.class);

But is it possible to convert the result of a complex query into multiple POJO ?

Example :

This query will return an array of all columns into tables Support and Box. It is possible to convert them into a Support and Box Pojo ?

Result<Record> results = query.select()

I have tested the method .intoGroups(SUPPORT.ID, Box.class) , it works fine. But I doesn't have the support object.

Instantiate to SelectSeekStep1

With aliases it's more convenient:

Box b = BOX.as("b");
Support s = SUPPORT.as("s");

SelectSeekStep1<Integer, Integer> sql = query.select(b.ID, s.ID /* other columns */)

Then just fetch what/as you need:

List<BoxRecord> boxes = sql.fetchInto(BOX); 
SupportRecord support = sql.limit(1).fetchOneInto(SUPPORT);

For future readers, if you want to achieve the same behaviour with insert methods you should use:

    .set(BOX.COLUMN1, UInteger.valueOf(1))
    .set(BOX.COLUMN2, "test")

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