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Conversion of std::string to c-string mosquitto

I'm using mosquitto to publish some message to a subscriber.

For subscriber I use:

mosquitto_sub -h host -t "new_topic" -q 0

Instead, for publish I develop a program that uses mosquittopp wrapper, but isn't relevant.

I send message using this method:

int MyClass::publish(const char* message) {
    return mosquittopp::publish(NULL, topic_, strlen(message),
            (uint8_t*) message, qos_);
MyClass publisher;
string s = base64_decode("LAAAtQ8AIXRpwoVyeMKodMK2wpPDscKBYcKDw6jCg8KAYWDDhjVCMQ==");

If I print s, I get:


And I think is ok.

But subscriber seems receiving only first char, in fact print only:


Any ideas?


It was a BUG on version I used (1.3.1), fixed from version 1.3.4.

The second character of the decoded string has the value zero. That's used to mark the end of a C-style string; so strlen will report a length of 1 upon finding a zero after one character.

If you want to use "strings" containing null characters, you can't use the C library's null-terminated string handling functions. I'd change MyClass::publish to work with a C++ string (or perhaps std::vector<uint8_t> so that it won't be mistaken for a printable string), so the length is available as message.size() whether or not it contains null characters.

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