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Escape html tags except few given tags

Here is the code I am using to escape html tags:

var ne = document.createElement('textarea');
return ne.innerHTML;

I do not want to escape <strong></strong> <i></i> tags

eg <h1>sasasas<strong>hello</strong></h1> should be &lt;h1&gt;sasasas<strong>hello</strong>&lt;/h1&gt;

how can i do that?

var ne = document.createElement('textarea'),
    str = '<h1>sasasas<strong>hello</strong></h1>';
var newstr = str.replace(/(<\/?(\w+)>)/g, function(m0, m1, m2) {
  if (m2 != 'strong' && m2 != 'i')
      return m0.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
               .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
      return m0;
return ne.innerHTML;

It works for the simple tags (without attributes - I do not know the source of your text). Or, as it was said in comments, something like this:

var ne = document.createElement('textarea'),
    str = '<h1>sasasas<strong>hello</strong></h1>';
var newstr = str.replace(/(<(\/?(strong|i))>)/gi, 'BRA$2KET')
                .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
                .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
                .replace(/(BRA(\/?(strong|i))KET)/gi, '<$2>');
return ne.innerHTML;

or, the best way, just restore the escaped tags

var ne = document.createElement('textarea'),
    str = '<h1>sasasas<strong>hello</strong></h1>';
var newstr = str.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
                .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
                .replace(/(&lt;(\/?(strong|i))&gt;)/gi, '<$2>');
return ne.innerHTML;

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