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JavaScript: Extract parts of e-mail address and split into parts

Howto extract parts of e-mail address and split into parts and into first and last name if a dot is present like it is common in many companies?

Input 1


Input 2


Wanted Output 1


Wanted Output 2


I gave my answer below using a regex and a if-clause that checks for the dot in the email. But maybe there is one regex to achieve the same outcome?

do thi using C#:

Regex regex = new Regex(@"(.+)@(.+)(?=\.\w{2,})");

string texts = "perry.rhodan@galaxy.net\natlan@galaxy.net";

var list = new List<string>();
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(texts))
    list.AddRange(item.Groups[1].Value.Split('.').Where(v => !list.Any(l => l == v)));
    list.AddRange(item.Groups[2].Value.Split('.').Where(v => !list.Any(l => l == v)));

foreach (var item in list)
function GetEmailParts( strEmail ){

    var objParts = {
        user: null,
        firstName: null,
        LastName: null,
        domain: null,
        tld: null

        new RegExp("^([a-z\\d._%-]+)@((?:[a-z\\d-]+\\.)+)([a-z]{2,6})$", "i"),

        function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) {
            objParts.user = $1;  

            if ($1.length > 1) {
                $1 = $1.split(".");
                for(var i = 0; i < $1.length; i++){

                    $1[i] = $1[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + $1[i].substring(1,$1[i].length);
                objParts.firstName = $1[0];
                objParts.lastName = $1[1];

            objParts.domain = $2;
            objParts.tld = $3;

    return( objParts );


# Gives back an Object with either First and Last name sub object
# or one single user sub object if no dot is present in the email 

See it in action: http://jsfiddle.net/nottinhill/0bh0vkd7/

I don't know if you absolutely want to write the Regexp yourself (in which case, the above answers will probably be fine).

However, since email addresses are a strange bunch to parse in general , I would recommend looking for a full-blown parser library, such as this one , if you're on nodejs.

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