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Java apache IOUtils: how to delete a file after read it into a byte array?

So I am trying to read a file into a byte array using apache common library, and then delete the file itself. But I cannot do it. can someone let me know why?

  File   aFile = new File("path_To_A_PDF_File");
  byte[] fileBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(aFile));
  boolean result = aFile.delete();

  System.out.println("is file " + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + " deleted? " + result);

How to I delete that file? Thanks

您必须关闭通过以下方式打开的流:new FileInputStream(aFile)

The File class contains a method to help with this. Call deleteOnExit() and let the JVM clean it up for you later.


Per the linked Javadoc,

Requests that the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname be deleted when the virtual machine terminates.

I think you still have the FileInputSteam open on aFile. Try IOUtils.closeQuietly() on it (you'll need to make it a local variable instead of anonymous as you have it now).

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