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What is the field of view(FOV) of the color camera in Kinect for Windows V2?

Can't find it anywhere. The kinectforwindows site has the FOV for depth camera. I can't find it in the box either.

@user1809923 is correct. I contacted the developer of the link:


And he responded with this information:

If I remember correctly these FOV values are part of the framedescriptions that you can retrieve with help of the Kinect SDK. Since other people asked for the same info I will update the my blog.

I confirmed his findings by calling the frame's framedescription in the Kinect SDK code and printing the values to the screen.

According to this post


the FOV of the color camera is 84.1 x 53.8. I am not sure, where the author found this information though.

I just wanted to add some more information to this, because the official Kinect Fusion documentation is really bad and because the answer here is correct but the numbers are rounded:

  1. assuming, you already have a initialized IColorFrameSource* (eg with the name pColorFrameSource ) you should retrieve the information after you opened the reader: pColorFrameSource->OpenReader(&m_pColorFrameReader); with m_pColorFrameReader beeing IColorFrameReader*

  2. the code to retrieve the FOV then looks like this:

     IFrameDescription *f=nullptr; float fovDiago = 0; float fovHori = 0; float fovVerti = 0; HRESULT hh=pColorFrameSource ->CreateFrameDescription(ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Rgba,&f); if (hh == S_OK) { f->get_DiagonalFieldOfView(&fovDiago); f->get_HorizontalFieldOfView(&fovHoront); f->get_VerticalFieldOfView(&fovVerti); } 

The FOV values not rounded are:

fovDiago =91.9000015
fovHori  =84.0999985
fovVerti =53.7999992

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