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Converting Stored Procedure into a query (SQL Server Compact)?

I'm trying to convert the following stored procedure into a query, so that I can use it in SQL Server CE

USE TestResults

     (@DeviceSerialNumber nvarchar(50), 
      @DeviceType nvarchar(50), 
      @ElapsedTime int) 
     INSERT INTO [TestResults].[dbo].[Tests]([Date], [Device], [DeviceType], [ExecutionTimeMs])
     VALUES (GETDATE(), @DeviceSerialNumber, @DeviceType, @ElapsedTime) 

From the above script, all I can understand is that it takes three input parameters

  1. DeviceSerialNumber
  2. DeviceType
  3. ElapsedTime

but it'll update 5 columns in the table Tests including Date and TestId .

Since I can't use stored procedures in SQL Server CE, I've converted the above script into a string query,

string queryString = "INSERT INTO Tests ([Date], [Device], [DeviceType], [ExecutionTimeMs]) VALUES (@Date, @DeviceSerialNumber, @DeviceType, @ElapsedTime)"

Now how to include OUTPUT INSERTED.TestId into the string( queryString ) ?

There's a similar question here , but it doesn't help my problem


You can use @@IDENTITY to return the last inserted identity value:

string queryString = "INSERT INTO Tests " + 
                  "([Date], [Device], [DeviceType], [ExecutionTimeMs]) " +
                  "VALUES (@Date, @DeviceSerialNumber,@DeviceType, @ElapsedTime); " + 
                  "SELECT @@IDENTITY;"

When you execute your query, you need to set it up to return a single value using the ExecuteScalar method:

var newIdentity;
// set up the queryString variable & command using the above
newIdentity = cmd.ExecuteScalar();    

This assumes that the column TestId is an identity column.

Though I accepted Tanner's answer, but I ended up doing like this,

string queryString = "INSERT INTO Tests " + "([Date], [Device], [DeviceType], [ExecutionTimeMs]) " +
                     "VALUES (@Date, @DeviceSerialNumber,@DeviceType, @ElapsedTime)";
string queryString2 = "SELECT @@IDENTITY";

DbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand ();
command.CommandText = queryString;

// Added Parameters here

command.ExecuteNonQuery ();

command.CommandText = queryString2;
object testId =  command.ExecuteScalar ();

So I had to split the query into two string & run ExecuteNonQuery with the first string and run ExecuteScalar with the second string.

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