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Converting C# code to SQL Server stored procedure

I'm writing a small web application for calculating and creating billings for customers. For this, I have the following SQL Server tables:


Each month, there will be added up to 2600 new records in the Billing table with ~3 records in the BillingPriceLine table for each billing and finally, up to 750 records in the BillingPriceLineSpecification table for each record in the BillingPriceLine table. So that means a lot of records in total :-)

So, the initial data that gets insert into the tables each month could look like this (this is just my test data though)

Billing table (starts completely empty):


BillingPriceLine table:


BillingPriceLineSpecification table:


When these records have been added (I'm using SqlBulkCopy for that), I then have to make the following calculations in order to complete a single billing:

  1. Calculate BillingPriceLineSpecification.Production based on: BillingPriceLineSpecification.EstimatedProduction - BillingPriceLineSpecification.RealisedProduction

  2. Store the sum of each BillingPriceLineSpecification.Production * BillingPriceLineSpecification.Price in a temporary variable for later use

  3. Calculate BillingPriceLine.Production based on the sum of all it's BillingPriceLineSpecification.Production

  4. Calculate BillingPriceLine.Price based on the sum from step 2 divided by BillingPriceLine.Production

  5. Calculate BillingPriceLine.TotalPrice like this:

     ((BillingPriceLine.Production * BillingPriceLine.Price) * BillingPriceLine.Share) / 100) 
  6. Calculate Billing.SubTotal based on the sum of all it's BillingPriceLine.TotalPrice

  7. Calculate Billing.VAT based on Billing.SubTotal / 4 (Danish VAT is 25%)

  8. Calculate Billing.Total which will be Billing.SubTotal + Billing.VAT

I've written some C# code using Entity Framework for doing this, but when I tested it using only 10 records in Billing table instead of 2600, it basically stalled (for a lack of better word)

The C# code I wrote:

using(var ctx = new MyEntities())
    foreach (Billing billing in ctx.Billings)
        // Calculate billing price lines from billing price line specifications         
            foreach (BillingPriceLine priceLine in billing.BillingPriceLines)
                // Declare a local variable for holding the specification total sum
                decimal specificationsSum = 0;

                // Loop through billing price line specifications on this price line
                foreach (BillingPriceLineSpecification specification in priceLine.BillingPriceLineSpecifications)
                    // First, check if the estimated production and realised production has a value
                    if (specification.EstimatedProduction.HasValue &&  specification.RealisedProduction.HasValue)
                        // Calculate production for a price line specification
                        specification.Production = specification.EstimatedProduction.Value - specification.RealisedProduction.Value;

                        // Add to total specification sum
                        specificationsSum += specification.Production*specification.Price;

                // Set total production on price line
                priceLine.Production = priceLine.BillingPriceLineSpecifications.Sum(x => x.Production);

                // Set price on price line
                priceLine.Price = specificationsSum/priceLine.Production;

                // Set total price on price line
                priceLine.TotalPrice = ((priceLine.Production*priceLine.Price)*priceLine.Share)/100;

            // Set subtotal, VAT and total sum on billing
            billing.Subtotal = billing.BillingPriceLines.Sum(x => x.TotalPrice);
            billing.VAT = billing.Subtotal/4;
            billing.Total = billing.Subtotal + billing.VAT;
            // Handle error logging here ..


I'm looking to move this calculation process to the SQL Server using a stored procedure, hoping that performance would then be a lot better since it then wouldn't have to run on the web application. However, I'm lacking the skills when it comes to writing T-SQL, to write such a procedure.

Is there anyone who can give me a starting point writing this procedure? :-) And/or enlighten me with even better ways of solving this problem. It'll be greatly appreciated to get some feedback on it.

Thanks in advance.

Try querying ONLY the data required and get all of it at one time (including child collections) and then make the calculations from the data in memory.

Here is some sample code of how I have used SQL and SqlBulkCopy to do bulk updating of data from C# without a SP.

First you create a custom object (per table) that holds the data that will be updated.

// custom object
public sealed class CustomObjectWithUpdatedValues
    public int BillingID { get; set; }
    public int Field1 { get; set; }
    public int Field2 { get; set; }
    public decimal Field3 { get; set; }
    public decimal Field4 { get; set; }
    public decimal Field5 { get; set; }

Then I use the following code to first insert into a new table via SqlBulkCopy. Then I generate an SQL statement to do the bulk update of the live data and then drop the new table.

// do all your calculations and write the data to be updated to a custom object
List<CustomObjectWithUpdatedValues> DataToUpdateList = GetDataToUpdate();

// create a transaction scope incase something fails we can rollback
using (TransactionScope tranScope = new TransactionScope())
    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("connection_string"))
        // open the connnection

        // create a table to temporarily hold the data to update
        string strTableName = "temp_BulkUpdateBillings";
        SqlCommand cmdCreateTable = new SqlCommand
                "CREATE TABLE " + strTableName + " " +
                    "(" +
                        "BillingID int NOT NULL, " +
                        "Field1 int NOT NULL, " +
                        "Field2 int NOT NULL, " +
                        "Field3 decimal(19, 4) NOT NULL, " +
                        "Field4 decimal(19, 4) NOT NULL, " +
                        "Field5 decimal(19, 4) NOT NULL " +
            , conn);

        // do sql bulk copy to insert data into new table
        using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn))
            using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(DataToUpdateList, "BillingID", "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5"))
                bcp.DestinationTableName = strTableName;
                bcp.BatchSize = 1000;
                bcp.BulkCopyTimeout = 300;

        // update the live records
        SqlCommand cmdBulkUpdate = new SqlCommand
                "UPDATE Billings SET " +
                    "Field1 = temp.Field1, " +
                    "Field2 = temp.Field2, " +
                    "Field3 = temp.Field3, " +
                    "Field4 = temp.Field4, " +
                    "Field5 = temp.Field5 " +
                "FROM " + strTableName + " as temp " +
                "WHERE Billings.ID = temp.BillingID"
            , conn);

        // drop the table
        SqlCommand cmdDropTable = new SqlCommand("DROP TABLE " + strTableName, conn);

    // complete the transaction scope

The ObjectReader class is from the FastMember library.

Hope that can point you in the right direction.

Hope this could help you

Set Nocount On;

Declare @Billing Table
     ID                     Int Identity(514789,1) Primary Key
    ,SubTotal               Numeric(38,10)
    ,Vat                    Numeric(38,10)
    ,Total                  Numeric(38,10)
    ,Status                 Varchar(100)

Declare @BillingPriceLine Table
     ID                     Int Identity(24527,1) Primary Key
    ,BillingID              Int
    ,Product                Varchar(100) Null
    ,FinancialID            Int
    ,Production             Numeric(38,10)
    ,Unit                   Varchar(100)
    ,Price                  Numeric(38,10)
    ,Share                  Numeric(38,10)
    ,TotalPrice             Numeric(38,10)

Declare @BillingPriceLineSpecification Table
     ID                     Int Identity(2447820,1) Primary Key
    ,BillingPriceLineID     Int
    ,Production             Numeric(38,10)
    ,EstimatedProduction    Numeric(38,10)
    ,RealisedProduction     Numeric(38,10)
    ,Unit                   Varchar(100)
    ,Price                  Numeric(38,10)
    ,Created                Datetime
    ,Time                   Datetime

Insert Into @Billing(SubTotal,Vat,Total) Values

Insert Into @BillingPriceLine(BillingID,FinancialID,Production,Unit,Price,Share,TotalPrice) Values

Insert Into @BillingPriceLineSpecification(BillingPriceLineID,Production,EstimatedProduction,RealisedProduction,Unit,Price,Created,Time) Values
 (24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')
,(24527,0.00,2.00,4.00,'kWh',0.30,'2015-07-30 18:09:34.000','2015-07-30 18:09:34.000')

-------- above one only table preparation -----

Update  bpls
Set     bpls.Production = Abs(bpls.EstimatedProduction - bpls.RealisedProduction)
From    @BillingPriceLineSpecification As bpls

Update  bpl
Set      bpl.Production = bpls.Production
        ,bpl.Price = (bpls.SumProduction / bpls.Production)
        ,bpl.TotalPrice = (bpls.Production * (bpls.SumProduction / bpls.Production) * bpl.Share) / 100
From    @BillingPriceLine As bpl
            Select   bpls.BillingPriceLineID
                    ,Sum(bpls.Production) As Production
                    ,Sum(bpls.Production * bpls.Price) As SumProduction
            From    @BillingPriceLineSpecification As bpls
            Group By bpls.BillingPriceLineID
        ) As bpls On bpl.ID = bpls.BillingPriceLineID

Update  b
Set      b.SubTotal = bpl.TotalPrice
        ,b.Vat = (bpl.TotalPrice / 4)
        ,b.Total = (bpl.TotalPrice + (bpl.TotalPrice / 4))
From    @Billing As b
            Select   bpl.BillingID
                    ,Sum(Isnull(bpl.TotalPrice,0)) As TotalPrice
            From    @BillingPriceLine As bpl
            Group By bpl.BillingID  
        ) As bpl On b.ID = bpl.BillingID

---- final result
Select   b.ID
From    @Billing As b

output :-


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