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how to add string read from file to an ArrayList?

I have a super beginner's question. I have a computer science test today and one of the practice problems is this:

  • Write a program that carries out the following tasks:
  • Open a file with the name hello.txt.
  • Store the message “Hello, World!” in the file.
  • Close the file.
  • Open the same file again.
  • Read the message into a string variable and print it.

This is the code I have for it so far:

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class ReadFile
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("hello.txt");
        out.println("Hello, World");
        File readFile = new File("hello.txt");
        Scanner in = new Scanner(readFile);
        ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>();
        int y = 0;

        while (in.hasNext())

        if (x.size() == 0)


What's wrong with this code?

1) You need to close the stream

2) You need to refer to the x Arraylist with (y-1) otherwise you will get a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException . The indexes starts from 0 and not from 1.


   public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("hello.txt");
            out.println("Hello, World");
            File readFile = new File("hello.txt");
            Scanner in = new Scanner(readFile);
            ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>();
            int y = 0;

            while (in.hasNext())


            if (x.size() == 0)


I guess what's wrong with the code ist that you cant read anything from the file.

this is because PrintWriter is buffered

fileName - The name of the file to use as the destination of this writer. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered .

You need to close the file you have just writen to before openning it for reading so that the changes are fluched to the physical storage. Thus moving out.close(); right after out.println("Hello, World");

class FileWritingDemo {
public static void main(String [] args) {
char[] in = new char[13]; // to store input
int size = 0;
try {
File file = new File("MyFile.txt"); // just an object

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); // create an actual file & a FileWriter obj
fw.write("Hello, World!"); // write characters to the file
fw.flush(); // flush before closing
fw.close(); // close file when done

FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); // create a FileReader object
size = fr.read(in); // read the whole file!
for(char c : in) // print the array
fr.close(); // again, always close
} catch(IOException e) { }

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