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Are the memory barriers correct for this lock?

Is this correct? And am I correct in assuming that applying the memory ordering on the std::atomic_flag does NOT provide synchronization for general-purpose locks?

#include <atomic>

class Spinlock
    Spinlock(): f(ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT) {}

    void lock()
    void unlock()

    std::atomic_flag f;

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I feel like an std::atmoic_thread_fence IS necessary for a general-purpose lock, and that applying memory_order_acquire on the test_and_set and memory_order_release on the clear is not enough, but I'm also not sure.

Overall it is correct. Since you used 'std::memory_order_relaxed' in the test_and_set function then without the 'atomic_thread_fence' call there is nothing that would prevent reordering of operations done before and after the Mutex::lock. Since it is expected that 'Mutex::lock' acts as a memory barrier then the call to 'atomic_thread_fence' becomes necessary. But I believe the same effect could be achieved by using 'std::memory_order_acquire' in the 'test_and_set function'. See this: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/atomic_flag

The usual pattern is to use test_and_set(memory_order_acquire) and clear(memory_order_release) . But I suspect you know that already.

According to the standard section 29.8 [atomic.fences] (2):

A release fence A synchronizes with an acquire fence B if there exist atomic operations X and Y, both operating on some atomic object M, such that A is sequenced before X, X modifies M, Y is sequenced before B, and Y reads the value written by X or a value written by any side effect in the hypothetical release sequence X would head if it were a release operation.

In your code, A is the fence in your unlock() function; X is the clear() ; Y is the fence in your lock() function; and B is the test_and_set() . So your code meets the requirements of this section of the standard and therefore your unlock() and lock() functions are properly synchronized.

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