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Localstorage not working with array of objects

I am trying to understand why when I uncomment the lines of code below then it no longer shows my array of employees I have displaying on my index page also after I submit a form to add an employee it doesn't display it either, so yes if I keep it the way it is then it works just fine but I need it to work with the localstorage.

angular.module("MyApp").service("dataService", function() {

    var employeesArray = [{employeeName:'Me', employeeStreet:'12345 Local Street', employeeCity:'MyCity', employeeState:'MyState', employeeZipCode:'12345'}];

    this.getEmployees = function() {
        var str = localStorage.getItem("Employees");
        employeesArray = JSON.parse(str) || employeesArray;
        return employeesArray;

    this.addEmployee = function(employee) {
        var str = JSON.stringify(employeesArray);
        localStorage.setItem("Employees", str);

    this.removeEmployee = function(employee) {
        employeesArray.splice(employeesArray.indexOf(employee), 1);
        var str = JSON.stringify(employeesArray);
        localStorage.setItem("Employees", str);

The solution is getting the list of employees from the localStorage every time before working with it. So try to add

var employeesArray = this.getEmployees();

as the first line to addEmployee and removeEmployee methods. Don't forget to run localStorage.clear() before testing new changes.

Check out please this JS fiddle: http://jsbin.com/qawabifefa/2/edit?js,output

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