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remove two or more empty between space in word

I want to replace any space between in word in with dash in C# . But my problem is when I want remove space in sample string like this:

"a  b"


"a    b"

When I try this, I get this result:

"a--b" and "a---b"

How can I put one dash for any count of space between the word?

Like this:



you can use like below

string xyz = "1   2   3   4   5";
xyz = string.Join( "-", xyz.Split( new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ));


  1. How do I replace multiple spaces with a single space in C#?
  2. How to replace multiple white spaces with one white space

You can simply use Regex.Replace here.

Regex.Replace("a    b", @"\s+", "-");

\\s looks for a space and + counts for spaces, if one or more spaces found sequentially. The pattern will be matched and replaced.

This can be done with many approaches. using Regular Expressions:

    string a = "a         b   c de";
    string b = Regex.Replace(a, "\\s+", "-");             

Or if you dont want to use Regex, Here's a function which will take a string and the character to replace as arguments and return the formatted string.

    public string ReplaceWhitespaceWithChar(string input,char ch)
        string temp = string.Empty;
        for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)

            if (input[i] != ' ')
                temp += input[i];
            else if (input[i] == ' ' && input[i + 1] != ' ')
                temp += ch;
        return temp;

You can use this code for your requirement

        string tags = "This           sample";
        string cleanedString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(tags, @"\s+", "-");


And result will be :


I hope it will work for you.

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