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how do I create an array populated by class instances in swift?

Hi all I am trying to create an array which is populated with some instances of my class BlogPost

I've started off with this :-

var blog : [BlogPost] = []

for item in blog{

am I on the right track here? just want to create 10 of these instances using a for loop any help appreciated. thanks


var blog = (1...10).map { _ in BlogPost() }

Here is the another way to do that:

var blog : [BlogPost] = []
for i in 1...10 {

for item in blog{

won't do anything since your array is empty. Simply, iterate n(n being the number of posts you'd like to create) times, each time creating a new object and adding it to the array;

let n : Int = 10
for(var i=0; i<n; i++){

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