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How to pass the values of user defined datatype variable to MS SQL from java using spring jdbc store procedure

I have the below MS SQL store procedure with the user defined variable ( @Location

CREATE PROCEDURE [Organization].[Organization_Insert]   
 @OrganizationID NVARCHAR(256),  
 @Location Locationtype ReadOnly

@Location has following attributes: OrganizationSubID, LocationCode

Am using the below java class to invoke the store procedure,

class OrganizationInsertProcedure extends StoredProcedure {

  private final String[] outputParameters = new String[] {OUTPUT};

  public PlanActivityInsertProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {
    super(dataSource, "Organization_Insert");

    declareParameter(new SqlParameter("@OrganizationID", Types.NVARCHAR));
    declareParameter(new SqlParameter("@Location", Types.ARRAY, "Locationtype"));


Here, my question is, how to construct the @Location variable from java and pass it to the MS SQL database. (am using sqljdbc4.jar driver to connect the database)

I whole day Googled and tried many implementations and nothing paid off.

Please someone shed some lights on this...

(I am going to assume that you have declared Locationtype as a table variable. The use of ReadOnly on the stored procedure's parameter hints at this.)

According to this post on the SQL Server forums , the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver doesn't currently support table variables. So, it seems you have to build up a string of T-SQL which declares a table variable, inserts data into the table and then executes the stored procedure.

In 'plain' JDBC, ie without using Spring, the code to do this looks something like the following:

    int numRows = /* number of rows in table variable */;

    StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("DECLARE @Location AS LocationType;");
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
            "INSERT INTO @Location (OrganizationSubID, LocationCode) VALUES (?, ?);");

    sqlBuilder.append("EXEC [Organization].[Organization_Insert] ?, @Location;");

    PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlBuilder.toString());
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
        stmt.setString(i * 2 + 1, /* OrganizationSubID for row i */);
        stmt.setString(i * 2 + 2, /* LocationCode for row i  */);

    stmt.setString(numRows * 2 + 1, /* Organization ID */);

    ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery();

(I found it more helpful to call executeQuery() on the PreparedStatement than execute() . I didn't have your sproc code, so I made Organization_Insert raise an error whose message contained the number of rows in the table variable. Using executeQuery() was necessary to get this error message thrown in a SQLException: with execute() no exception was thrown.)

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