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WebGL code produces same matrices as pre-made library but does not display the same

I am working on a 3D function library (for fun) and am unable to find the error in my code. From what I can see, the matrices produced by my code and a pre-made library are exactly the same. I am using the same vertex positions but nothing is showing and it's driving me crazy.

My Version:

The pre-made working version (target output):

I have console logged the matrices on each version.

Main segment (my version):

var translate = [0.5, 0, 0];
var modelMatrix = identity(4);
modelMatrix.setXY(3, 0, translate[0]);
modelMatrix.setXY(3, 1, translate[1]);
modelMatrix.setXY(3, 2, translate[2]);

var eye = createVector([0, 0, 2.25]);
var focus = createVector([0, 0, 0]);
var up = createVector([0, 1, 0]);

modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
var viewMatrix = lookAt(eye, focus, up);
var projectionMatrix = perspective(canvas, 50 * Math.PI / 180, 1, 10);

Main segment (working version):

// local coords -> world space
var modelMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.translate(modelMatrix, modelMatrix, vec3.fromValues(0.5, 0.0, 0.0));

// world space -> camera space
var eye = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, 2.25);
var lookAt = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, 0);
var up = vec3.fromValues(0, 1, 0);
var viewMatrix = mat4.create();

mat4.lookAt(viewMatrix, eye, lookAt, up);

var projMatrix = mat4.create();
mat4.perspective(projMatrix, 50 * Math.PI / 180, canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight, 1, 10);

I don't think your math lib is actually generating the same results. I used the WebGL Inspector to look at the state of the program in each of your links. There's a few very significant differences.


I figured it out. My arrays were in row major order instead of column major order as required by GLSL. This helped a lot: Correct OpenGL matrix format?

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