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Windows Batch - check if string starts with … in a loop

this grabs the output from a remote branch list with git::

for /f "delims=\" %r in ('git branch -r') do (
::then in here I want to get rid of the origin/HEAD -> line of the output
::and do a few git ops on the other lines, which are the names of branches

anyhow, I'm finding this frustrating as apparently batch doesn't have regex

here's the code I'm using to do this in bash

for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v '\->'`;
do echo $remote; #...git stuff

the grep removes the "origin/HEAD -> origin/master" line of the output of git branch -r

So I'm hoping to ask how to implement the 'contains' verb

for /f "delims=\" %r in ('git branch -r') do (
if not %r contains HEAD (
::...git stuff

on a loop variable

this stackoverflow question appears to answer a similar question, although in my attempts to implement as such, I became confused by % symbols and no permutation of them yielded function

EDIT FOR FUTURE READERS: there is some regex with findstr /r piped onto git branch -r

for /f "delims=\" %%r in ('git branch -r^|findstr "HEAD"') do (
 echo ...git stuff %%r

should give you a start.

Note: %%r , not %r within a batch file - %r would work directly from the prompt.

Your delims=\\ filter will produce that portion up to the first \\ of any line from git branch -r which contains HEAD - sorry, I don't talk bash-ish; you'd need to say precisely what the HEAD string you want to locate is.

Use "delims=" fo the entire line - omitting the delims option will set delimiters to the default set (space, comma, semicolon, etc.)

  • Don't use ::-comments within a block (parenthesised statement-sequence) as it's actually a broken label and cmd doesn't appeciate labels within a block. Use REM comments here instead.

The resultant strings output from the findstr (which acts on a brain-dead verion of regex) will be processed through to the echo (or whatever statement you may substitute here) - if there are none, the for will appear to be skipped.

Quite what your target string would be for findstr I can't tell. From the prompt, findstr /? may reveal. You may also be able to use find ( find /? ) - but if you are using cygwin the *nix version of find overrides windows-native.

I don't know what the git branch output looks like, but with a test case of

test 1
HEAD test \-> 2
test 3

test 4

the following prints all the text lines except the one containing \\->

@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off

for /f "tokens=*" %%r in (d:\test2.txt) do (
    set str1=%%r
   if "!str1:\->=!"=="!str1!" (
       echo %%r

The if test is fundamentally doing this test: string1.replace("HEAD", "") == string1 .

Your loop variable needs to be %r if used directly in the command prompt, but %%r if in a batch file.

The string replacement is a part of environment variables, not loop variables, so it needs to be put into a holding string (str1) to work with. If you have the command extensions enabled ( enableextensions ).

And because environment variable setting operations happen when the script is read, you need to override that with enabledelayedexpansion and using !str1! instead of %str1% , otherwise the value of str1 won't change from one loop to the next.

(PS. Use PowerShell instead. Get-Content D:\\test2.txt | Select-String "\\->" -NotMatch ).

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