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I browsed all the afternoon trying to find a good solution, but with no luck.

This is the problem: I have an old html website. I have to change every link built in this way:

<a href="javascript: OpenImage('/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg',' Image description ');void(0);">

with a standard a href:

<a href="/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg" title="Image description">

I think I have have to look for href beginning with "avascript:"


and change it using regular expression..

But after thousands test I can't solve it..

Any idea? thanks

(<a href=")[^']+'([^']+)','([^']+).*

Try this.Replace by $1$2" title="$3"> .See demo.


var re = /(<a href=")[^']+'([^']+)','([^']+).*/gm;
var str = '<a href="javascript: OpenImage(\'/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg\',\' Image description \');void(0);">';
var subst = '$1$2" title="$3">';

var result = str.replace(re, subst);

try this :

var re = /(^<a\s*href=")javascript:\s*OpenImage\('(.*)'\s*,\s*'(.*)'([^<]+)">/gmi;
var str = '<a href="javascript: OpenImage(\'/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg\',\' Image description \');void(0);">\n\n<a href="javascript: OpenImage(\'/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg\',\' Image description \');void(0);"> djhjdh</a>\n\n<a href="javascript: OpenImage(\'/dir1/dir2/Image321.jpg\',\' Image description \');void(0);"><img src="asdf"></a>';
var subst = '\1\2" title="\3">';

var result = str.replace(re, subst);

live demo

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