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Sharing class variables between instances without using static

I have a hierarchy that goes like this:

   /     |     \
Player Enemy Weapon
        /\        /  \
    Slime Fly  Sword  Gun

etc. And some code:

class Entity {
    void LoadModel();
    Model* model;

Each Entity class has its own model, or at least, that's how I would like it to work--the problem is that, if I were to make models static to a class, I would have repeated code in every derived class to define the static model, then have a virtual function in every class to return it so that the base Entity class can use its load function, etc.

So what I would like to do is to be able to use the base class's LoadModel() function to load a model for the specific derived class. Is this possible? How would I achieve this?

Inside the code of the derived class you can call the base class with

Derived d;

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