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Multiplying two large integers stored as integer vectors

I have to multiply two integers which are stored as vectors.To store the final result i am using

std::vector<std::vector<int>> result

where i store the partial result rows and the last row would store the final result.I have calculated the partial result rows and now have to add them.I already have a large integer addition function.To align the partial result rows what i do is append zeroes in all partial result rows as required(1 zero appended to 2nd partial result row,2 0's appended to 3rd partial result row etc).Then i add all partial result rows and store the result in another row.Now i remove the appended zeroes in similar manner.

void putzeroesatend(std::vector<std::vector<int>> &something)
    std::vector<std::vector<int>>::iterator i;      
    int k=0;
        for(int p=1;p<=k;p++)
void removezeroesatend(std::vector<std::vector<int>> &something)
     std::vector<std::vector<int>>::iterator i;
     int k=0;
         for(int p=1;p<=k;p++)

then in my multiply function after calculating the partial results, i do the following

std::vector<int> newrow;



This is working but what could be a better solution to add the partial results without having to append the zeroes and then remove it.

As @Mark Ransom recommended, you could create an add function that takes unaligned operands. But I think it might be better to encapsulate your large int representation in a class that includes an exponent and then write operands for these objects.

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