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Linq to sql for groupby giving timeout

In the below linq query first query is running fine.

1) var vrtemp = from details in context.GetQueryable<vw_FetchDTR>()
                                where details.App == id.ToString() 
                                select details;

but when I apply the groupby in the result of first query it's showing timeout.

2) var vrdetails = vrtemp.GroupBy(x => x.CompName);

note: vw_FetchDTR is a view

Maybe Linq to Sql generated not effective Sql query? You can try to fetch all data before apply GroupBy operation. Like this:

var vrdetails = vrtemp.ToList().GroupBy(x => x.CompName);

In that case you run GroupBy operation on server side. It will increase volume of transferred data but it can work more effective on Sql server

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