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How to save an array to a Realm Object

I am new to using Realm. Is there an easy way to save an array to a realm object? I am receiving my data from a JSON REST call:

class SomeClass: RLMObject {

    dynamic var id = 0
    dynamic var name = ""
    dynamic var array: NSArray

    func checkForUpdates() {
        // Download JSON data here... The results have an array inside of them.



    override class func primaryKey() -> String! {
        return "id"

Is it possible to save the array in the JSON results in Realm?


Realm has a special RLMArray type, which allows storing a collection of RLMObject 's tied to a parent RLMObject . For example, say you had the following JSON:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "aliases": [
    {"alias": "John"},
    {"alias": "JD"}

You could model this with the following classes:

class Alias: RLMObject {
  dynamic var alias = ""

class Person: RLMObject {
  dynamic var name = ""
  dynamic var aliases = RLMArray(objectClassName: "Alias")

So you could simply create a Person object with the following API call:

Person.createInRealm(realm, withObject: jsonObject)

You can learn more about how RLMArray s work from Realm's reference documentation: http://realm.io/docs/cocoa/0.80.0/api/Classes/RLMArray.html

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