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Detect “left handed mode” setting

I'm looking into these docs: TelephonyManager , Preference and others, but I cannot find anything useful related to Left handed layout.

As far as I know Android 2.3 had that setting. Right now I am unsure if it was deprecated or not. Is there a way to detect if "left handed mode" is set?

Left Handed Mode is possibly similar to " Force RTL Layout Direction " In " Developer Options ".

There was never an Android standard setting added to the API for a 'left handed mode'. You may have seen a manufacturer specific change to Android, but I don't know of any recent Android device that has a similar feature.

Individual Android app developers may add the option to switch to a "left handed mode" that will alter the UI to be better formatted for users who hold phones and devices in there left hands. I am an active " Lefty rights " advocate in the app world and call-out developers who could easily better accommodate left handed people. As far as a handicap/accessibility setting there is no current setting on Android for that. There is actually a RTL layout setting in "Developer options" you can enable it through these instructions , and apps like Chrome and Google Maps use it. I would think some more research would need to be done to check for that seeing how it's a developer option and not an accessibility option. My guess would be it is similar to getting the device locale and adjusting. I'm not sure if you could find the developer options in resources though. (Noting for full disclosure, the last time I programmed android was a few months ago.)

I would buy a phone that had RTL/ Lefty Mode perfectly implemented though.

Hope this helps a little.

Have an awesome day, and be well!

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