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Can I save a conditional in a javascript-object?

I'm sorting through an array of objects based on a various conditionals.

I want to count each object for the various conditionals and I'm not sure how I should achivie this. Could I somehow add conditionals to an object:

var conversions = [
    name: "Användare",
    conditional: conversion.time_gap > 0,
    count: 0,

and then loop through and test them:

_.each(user.apilog, function(event){
    _.each(conversions, function(conversion){

This wont work, because time_gap is a variable inside user.apilog and is not defined, but something like this.

You could use a function:

var conversions = [
    name: "Användare",
    conditional: function(v) { return (v > 0); },
    count: 0,

called as:

_.each(user.apilog, function(event){
   _.each(conversions, function(conversion){

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