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how to import data from excel file into qtableview

i'm trying to import an excel file (that has only numbers like a matrix) into my Qtableview ! I found some code on the web that is related to QtableWidget but I ca figure it ou for QtableView thanks in advance

Try it with QAxObject - provides a QObject that wraps a COM objects: Like this:

  QAxObject *excel = new QAxObject ("Excel.Application", 0);
   //excel->dynamicCall ("SetVisible(bool)", true);

   QAxObject *workbooks = excel->querySubObject ("Workbooks");
   workbook = workbooks->querySubObject ("Open(const QString&)", fileName);
   QAxObject *statSheet = sheets->querySubObject ("Item(const QVariant&)", QVariant (sheetsComboBox->currentText ()));
   statSheet->dynamicCall ("Select()");

    int column = 0;
    int summe_column = 0;
    int col = 1;
      QAxObject* cell = statSheet->querySubObject ("Cells( int, int )", 1, col );
      QVariant value = cell->dynamicCall( "Value()" );

      QString string = statSheet->querySubObject ("Cells( int, int )", row,  column)->dynamicCall( "Value()" ).toString();

    while (col < 40)


you need also CONFIG += qaxcontainer in your .pro file.

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