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Using Cordova plugins with Meteor.js

After adding a Cordova plugin using meteor add cordova:org.apache.cordova.dialogs@0.2.10 , I see this plugin installed using meteor list .

However on the desktop browser console, I can't seem to find any methods exposed by cordova:org.apache.cordova.dialogs , such as navigator.notification.alert . How do we do something like

    'Hello there',

Also tried cordova:org.apache.cordova.device@0.2.12 and the device object the plugin is supposed to expose globally cannot be found.

Meteor.startup(function() {
    console.log(device.cordova)  // Uncaught ReferenceError: device is not defined

The whole point of Cordova plugins is to give your JavaScript code access to some device-specific native features on mobile.

The features from Cordova plugins are not available on browsers.

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