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Masm32. Find min and max in array

I need to write a procedure on Masm32, which should find min and max element in array. This procedure should take 4 parameters: 1) array of float numbers, 2) array's length, 3) min -- out parameter 4) max -- out parameter

I tried to write it, but it doesn't work. I can't get elements from array into procedure. Only first element is correct, but others is not.

This Procedure:

getMinMax PROC arr:QWORD, len:DWORD, _min:PTR QWORD, _max:PTR QWORD
  XOR EBX, EBX          

  MOV ECX, len

  FLD arr[0]
  FST _min
  FSTP _max

  ADD EBX, type arr

  FLD arr[EBX]
  FLD _min


  JP nomin 
  JZ nomin ; min == arr
  JC nomin ; min > arr

  ; min < arr[i]
  FLD arr[EBX]
  FSTP _min
  ADD EBX, type arr

  LOOP start

getMinMax  ENDP

And here procedure call

invoke getMinMax, result, n, offset minVal, offset maxVal


result dq 100 dup(?)
n       dd 4
minVal  dq ?
maxVal  dq ?

Could somebody help me?

a. Shouln't you use OFFSET/PTR on the first parameter?

invoke getMinMax, offset result, n, offset minVal, offset maxVal

getMinMax PROC arr:PTR QWORD, len:DWORD, _min:PTR QWORD, _max:PTR QWORD

b. You are dangerously supposing that LEN will always be at least 2. You should test for cases with LEN=0 and LEN=1

c. You have to swap these lines! The addition must always go through each iteration.

ADD EBX, type arr

d. Your current program does not calculate any maximum.

e. Clearing ECX is superfluous right before moving LEN into it.

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