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PostgreSQL get column with date + interval

If I have table with a two columns:

  • date (timestamp)
  • milliseconds (int)

How could I write a query that would return the two columns and a third column that represents a sum of the first two as a timestamp.

Like this:

            date            | milliseconds  |              sum          
 2014-12-10 17:43:47.554989 |         11882 | 2014-12-10 17:43:59.436989


I think you answer is as follows:

# select date, milliseconds, date+milliseconds*interval '1 milliseconds' as sum from temp;

             date            | milliseconds |            sum
  2014-12-10 17:43:47.554989 |        11882 | 2014-12-10 17:43:59.436989
 (1 row)

I created a temp table with your timestamp field called date, and your int field called milliseconds. Then ran the above select off the table with your values in it. Hope this helps.


select stamp + (ms / 1000) * '1 second'::interval


 date + milliseconds * INTERVAL '1 MILLISECOND';

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