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DataGridView shows type and not the value

I have a WinForms form with a DataGridView on. The DataGridView are populated from a LINQ to SQL query as below. When I run the code the gridview seems to show the column value and not the actual value.

The DataGridView does not have a design time source, and the columns have a DataPropertyName that is equal to the column in the database.

What am I missing that it doesn't display the actual value?

var q = (from r in db.MessagesReceived
         orderby r.ID descending
         select new { DateSent, DateReceived, ReceivedFrom}).Take(TopNumber);

//dgv.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgv.DataSource = q;


the problem is in the select

 select new { DateSent, DateReceived, ReceivedFrom})

should be

select new { DateSent=r.DateSent, DateReceived=r.DateReceived, ReceivedFrom=r.ReceivedFrom})

you are selecting the columns and not the values

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