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Need help forming a regex pattern matcher

My String to parse is an http response with the separation of vertical bars '|' colons ':' and commas ','


I have made an attempt to parse with the following code

public void split2(){
    String input = "1701|919422522891:224c1214-bb95-414d-ba76-77db95370545," +

    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\|.*?\\:\\,").matcher(input);
    int nr = 0;
    while (matcher.find()) {


The split method works well

  public String[] split(String regex,String input)
        input = "1701|919422522891:224c1214-bb95-414d-ba76-77db95370545," +
        regex = "\\||:|," ;

        String[] soso = Pattern.compile(regex).split(input, input.length());

            for(String s :soso){

        return null;

You can use:

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[^|]*\\|[^:]*:[^,]*,").matcher(input);

Explanation: This regex "[^|]*\\\\|[^:]*:[^,]*," means:

  1. [^|]* - Match 0 or more characters before a pipe
  2. \\\\| - Match a pipe
  3. [^:]* - Match 0 or more characters before a colon
  4. : - Match a colon
  5. [^,]* - Match 0 or more characters before a comma
  6. , - Match a coma

Instead of match you can easily do a split.


See demo.


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