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Most Pythonic Way to Select Particular Tuple from List of Tuples

Suppose I have a list of tuples: pairs = [(4,5),(2,6),(6,9),(8,7),(1,1)] .

And I have a function def m(pair): return pair[0]**2 + pair[1]**2 .

I seek to find the element of pairs for which m returns the greatest output. Specifically, I want to do this as pythonically as possible.

It is clear to me that I could do this with a loop through pairs and a variable to store the maximum-yielding pair seen, but that feels inelegant. I feel as if this should be done with a list comprehension. It is also clear that I could find the pair I want by declaring temp = [m(p) for p in pairs] and then selecting pairs[temp.index(max(temp))] , but I'd prefer not to create another list as long as the list of pairs -- again, this feels inelegant.

Looking for pythonic suggestions.


result = max(pairs, key=m)

Couldn't you do

max([m(p) for p in pairs])

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