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PostgreSQL: Select particular column and its total row count

I will explain my problem with an sample example

create table foo(id int,idx int,idy int,fld int,fldx varchar);

insert into foo values (1,2,3,55,'AA'),(2,3,4,77,'AB'),(3,4,8,55,'AX'),(9,10,15,77,'AR'),

   id,idx,idy, fld,fldx
    1 2   3    55  AA
    2 3   4    77  AB
    3 4   8    55  AX
    9 10  15   77  AR
    3 4   8    11  AX
    3 4   8    65  AX
    3 4   8    77  AX

I need to select only column fld and its total count of each column( fld ) in descending order

Expected Result :

fld count
77  3
55  2
11  1
65  1
select fld
      ,count(fld) rw_count 
from foo 
group by fld 
order by rw_count desc

Group By

select fld,count(*) from foo group by 1 order by 2 desc ;

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