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Parse JSON response in android “response of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray”

I've seen there are quite a few questions around, but I think I am missing a detail that I couldn't find out.

The String I am getting as a response is included in the following error:

12-28 10:25:14.402: W/System.err(2133): org.json.JSONException: Value
"results":[{"webTitle":"AirAsia flight loses contact with air traffic control between Indonesia and Singapore","webPublicationDate":"2014-12-28T09:06:55Z","sectionName":"World news","sectionId":"world","id":"world\/live\/2014\/dec\/28\/airasia-flight-loses-contact-with-air-traffic-control-on-route-from-indonesia-to-singapore","webUrl":"
...  at response of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray

My code is

JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(result);// result is the sting response presented above
JSONArray jArray = jObject.getJSONArray("response");


The only JSONArray I see is the results key. You have to use the results key or you need the getJSONObject()-Method, as gio mentioned above.

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