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How to use Perl's File::Grep module

I am using the File::Grep module. I have following example:

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Grep qw( fgrep fmap fdo );

my @matches = fgrep { 1.1.1 } glob "file.csv";

foreach my $str (@matches) {
    print "$str\n";

But when I try to print $str value it gives me HEX value: GLOB(0xac2e78)

What's wrong with this code?

The documentation doesn't seem to be accurate, but judging from the source-code — http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/MNEYLON/File-Grep-0.02/Grep.pm — the list you get back from fgrep contains one element per file. Each element is a hash of the form

    filename => $filename,
    count => $num_matches_in_that_file,
    matches => {
        $line_number => $line,

I think it would be simpler to skip fgrep and its complicated return-value that has way more information than you want, in favor of fdo , which lets you just iterate over all lines of a file and do what you want:

 fdo { my ( $file, $pos, $line ) = @_;
       print $line if $line =~ m/1\.1\.1/;
 } 'file.csv';

(Note that I removed the glob , by the way. There's not much point in writing glob "file.csv" , since only one file can match that globstring.)

or even just dispense with this module and write:

     open my $fh, '<', 'file.csv';
     while (<$fh>) {
         print if m/1\.1\.1/;

I assume you want to see all the lines in file.csv that contain 1.1.1 ?

The documentation for File::Grep isn't up to date, but this program will put into @lines all the matching lines from all the files (if there were more than one).

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Grep qw/ fgrep /;
$File::Grep::SILENT = 0;

my @matches = fgrep { /1\.1\.1/ } 'file.csv';

my @lines = map {
  my $matches = $_->{matches};
  @{$matches}{ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$matches};
} @matches;

print for @lines;


The most Perlish way to do this is like so

use strict;
use warnings;

open my $fh, '<', 'file.csv' or die $!;

while (<$fh>) {
  print if /1\.1\.1/;

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